What is react-textarea-autosize?
The react-textarea-autosize package is a React component that automatically adjusts the height of a textarea to fit the content. It is useful for creating text input areas in web applications where the amount of text is dynamic and can grow or shrink.
What are react-textarea-autosize's main functionalities?
Auto-resizing textarea
This feature allows the textarea to automatically resize between a minimum and maximum number of rows based on the content.
<TextareaAutosize minRows={3} maxRows={6} />
Minimum and maximum height
You can set a minimum and maximum height for the textarea, which will be respected during auto-resizing.
<TextareaAutosize style={{ minHeight: '100px', maxHeight: '300px' }} />
Controlled component
The component can be used as a controlled component, with its value being managed by the state of the enclosing component.
<TextareaAutosize value={this.state.text} onChange={this.handleChange} />
Uncontrolled component
The component can also be used as an uncontrolled component, where it maintains its own state.
<TextareaAutosize defaultValue='Initial content' />
Ref forwarding
React refs can be forwarded to the underlying textarea element, allowing for direct DOM access if needed.
const ref = React.createRef();
<TextareaAutosize ref={ref} />
Other packages similar to react-textarea-autosize
This is a standalone script that can be applied to any textarea element to make it automatically adjust its height. It is not specifically designed for React and requires manual integration.
A similar React component that also resizes textareas to fit the content. It is an alternative to react-textarea-autosize with a slightly different API and feature set.
Drop-in replacement for the textarea component which automatically resizes
textarea as content changes. A native React version of the popular jQuery
This module supports IE9 and above.
import Textarea from "react-textarea-autosize";
<Textarea />
npm install react-textarea-autosize
How to test it with jest and react-test-renderer
Because jest provides polyfills for DOM
objects by requiring jsdom and
react-test-renderer doesn't
provide refs for rendered components out of the box (calling ref callbacks with
), you need to supply a mocked ref in your tests. You can do it like this
(more can be read
const tree = renderer
.create(<Textarea />, {
createNodeMock: () => document.createElement("textarea")
To release patch, minor or major version:
% npm run release:patch
% npm run release:minor
% npm run release:major
This will run eslint, compile sources from src/
to lib/
, es/
and dist/
bump a version in package.json
and then create a new git commit with tag. If
tests or linter fails — commit won't be created. If tasks succeed it publishes
to npm and pushes a tag to github.